Contact Us


427 Hillcrest Way [Google Map]
Emerald Hills, California 94062

(Emerald Hills was formally Redwood City )


Phone: (866) 369-5588
Fax: (650) 369-9988


Please add detailed comments or suggestions regarding products (current or new units needed), services, or website below. We invite you to comment on any topic or idea(s). You may comment on a recent purchase from a dealer that carries our products to let us know about the service you received. We will do our best to implement your feedback in order to improve your experience with our products, services, and website.


Please include contact information so that we can respond to any questions or notify you if you have won a free product. Davtron will keep your information private; we will not solicite you products or sell your information.  Our newsletter only goes out once a year.